Coffee Chats | Recharging

Hi everyone! I hope you’re well and that you’re enjoying the slowly blooming spring month. I am so excited for spring as it’s my favourite season. I always feel like I get my energy back during this season – how about you? It’s been a while since I’ve done a Coffee Chats post, but I felt like I had something I wanted to chat with you about. If you’re new to my blog and therefor not familiar with this Coffee Chats Series of mine, then it’s simply a series of blog post where I bring up a topic that I feel is worth talking about. The idea is that I give you my point of view and share my thoughts on the subject, however, in order for it to be a chat I love to receive your input as well. I feel so grateful to have this platform with so many wise, kind and lovely people, who truly inspire me with their words. It means the world to me when you leave comments and share your wisdom with me as well as other people.

Today’s topic is recharging. I’ve come to realise that recharging can mean slowing down, although, it also means getting your energy back. In this blog post I would like to talk about, how you get your energy back. Not how you feel less stressed or anxious, but how you pick yourself back up, when you feel like you’ve sort of lost yourself a bit. Recently I’ve felt like I wasn’t myself and that my energy, creativity and curiosity was low – and that’s alright. It truly is completely alright to feel like this, especially in the middle of a freaking pandemic. Although, having said that many countries are now far in their vaccination programs and are slowly starting to open up. This is happening alongside with spring slowly blossoming, and I think this is why I’m so eager to feel more like myself again. Can you relate to this feeling?

I think the feeling I’m trying to describe is when you’ve been feeling low and you just want to get back on track and boost your mood. Sometimes it helps to calm down with meditation, but other times we’re in need of something else. Something that gives us the spark and the excitement back. I am desperate to smile more, to dance more, to create more, to see more people (when it’s allowed) and to remind myself more often, that life is a gift. I know we all know it, but how often do we remember to remind ourselves of it. I am for sure guilty of forgetting, but that’s alright as long as I’m also remembering. If you needed to hear this today, then please take it all in. Remember what it feels like to be soaking in sunshine with the biggest smile on your face – because even thinking of this makes me smile.

It seems that we have the power to recharge our mood and energy by reminding ourselves that life is a gift and we’re so lucky we get the chance to love, to speak, to share and to help. However, sometimes getting that energy back requires more than thinking and appreciating. I find that these few following things does wonder to me and my mood.

  • Sing along to your favourite happy songs
  • Facetime a loved one and perhaps try to focus the conversation on funny experiences you’ve had together. Having a great old laugh with one of my favourite persons really boosts my mood, but it also gives me hope in these dark times because I’m reminded that better days are coming
  • Fire up the tunes and have a little dance party on your own
  • Look back on old photos from a day where you felt your happiest
  • Brainstorm something you’ve wanted to do – perhaps room decor ideas, a new blog post or a post COVID party
  • DREAM! And dream BIG! There’s nothing better during these dark days than to dream about something you want to do. It doesn’t matter if you’ll achieve the dream, dreams aren’t goals that have to be done. Dreams help us find our way in life, and without dreams there wouldn’t be anything to look forward to.

All the above may seem so simple and almost like a no brainer, however, that doesn’t make them less valuable or of less impact. I think this is very important to keep in mind. I would love you to leave your thoughts on this topic in the comment section down below this post. Let me know if you can relate to this feeling and also what you do to give yourself a mood boost. I know it’s important to be gentle and show kindness to yourself, which I try to do by doing yoga, breathing exercises and telling myself that I’m enough and that I’m proud of myself. But sometimes I am in need of doing something that makes me feel energized and like I’m myself again.

If you enjoyed this post please make sure to like it, and perhaps give me a follow if you like the sound and look of my blog and blog posts. I appreciate you took time to read this post, it makes me feel ever so thankful!

Lots of love

Karen xx

11 responses to “Coffee Chats | Recharging”

  1. I love how (creating) happiness is such a big part of your recharge process. My keyword when it comes to recharging is comfort. A hot bath, comfort food, comfy clothes and fluffy blankets and I’m good to go again!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for reading! And yes, you’re so so right. Happiness is without a doubt such a big part of how I recharge. Nevertheless, a bowl og soup, a good book and some comfy clothes are also big parts of how I recharge. I just think that creating happiness in our lives is such an underated things, because so many of us seem to wait for it instead of creating it ourselves. Is this something you find relatable? Again, thank you so much for the support! I hope you’re doing well in these times and that you’re excited for the spring months xx


  2. I absolutely love your coffee chats post, it really is like I’m listening to a friend so thank you for sharing. I really need to take more time to meditate, say positive affirmations and look after my mind! You’re so so wise and inspirational! Xxx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Honestly, thank you so so much Chloe ❤️ Your comment really made me smile! I’m so glad you enjoy these posts, as I love to write them. It’s important to stop saying to oneself that we “should” meditate or do yoga, but instead say that we chose to do it or not do it because we “want” to. Again thank you so much for your lovely comment!! xxx


  3. Reading this post in itself was recharging for me. Because of my workaholism, I barely prioritize slowing down and taking mental breaks, I just push myself to keep going until I can’t anymore, and that is kinda dangerous in the long run. Thanks so much for sharing how you recharge!! Love your posts, you’re amazing ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think so many of us can relate to that. I too get stuck in work and study routines where I forget to take care of myself. I’m really happy this post reminded you of that. Make sure to be kind with yourself and to dance around to your favourite song. I think the combination of listening to your body and doing things that boosts your mood is how we get through these dark times. Thank you so much for reading and leaving this comment – it for sure put a very bright smile on my face! ❤ xx

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Love this! Feels like we’re just chatting away in a living room 🥰 totally relate to that feeling at the moment. Trying to just be kind to myself; sleeping earlier, watching Netflix mindlessly & splurging a little more on books and my favourite Icecream. Along with quiet time & prayer some days are better than others. Half way through a new blog post so hoping to get that up soon too!
    Take care Karen 🥰🙏🏼

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for reading! It makes me so happy you like the idea of this post, and that you can relate to the feeling. It genuinely puts the biggest smile on my face when we interact and discuss here on my little platform – so thank you so much for contributing with your thoughts too! Take care too sweetie xx

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Hope you “Spring” back into action… 😉..💕☀️💕

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww honestly what a great comment lol! Thank you so much ❤️ xx


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