A Spontaneous Sunday | Live Life!

One of my goals for 2k17 was to be and do more spontaneous things. I’m the sort of person that likes to have a structured day and sticking to the plan. But on the other hand doing spontaneous things make me feel like I’m living life a lot more. It’s exiting to wake up and think: “Okay, new day. What do I want to do today?”. Instead of: “Ohh….I have a to do list that’s longer than my arm”. Live life, go on adventures, take the wrong bus and explore places that you haven’t seen before. Because that’s what life’s about!

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For this Sunday my family and I decided to drive to a small Sea side town called Lønstrup. We bought buns at the bakery in our own town, packed a picnic basket and drove away. If you are wondering what the amber looking thing is, it’s a cinnamon bun. And OMG let me tell you, they are amazing. Please let me know, if you would like to see a blogpost and a recipe on them.

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The Sea means the world to me. In fact the North Sea of Denmark is everything to me. All of my Mum’s family lives by it, and let me tell you I’m very jealous of them. However we have a summerhouse ourself, which is not that far away from it.

When I’m by the sea, not matter if it’s grey and boring or sunny and blue, I feel so calm and it’s like I’m recharging. The sound of waves are so relaxing and the smell of sea is sometimes nice and sometimes not. But most of the times the sea smells nice. And also the wind is so lovely. If I’ve had a very stressful week, the wind kind of blows the stress of me. I know you might think I’m crazy, and need to visit the doctor soon. But let me tell you, the next time you go to the sea, you will probably feel the same.

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I think it’s good for everyone to not be so organised sometimes. I’m not saying that you shouldn’t plan anything. Because having plans for your day, means that you’re going to get things done, that might have made you feel a little stressed. So keep up the good work! But try to explore and go on adventures more often. It doesn’t have to be an adventure to the beach or the sea. It could be pointing at a map, jump in the car and explore the place you pointed out. Jump on a random bus or train and end up somewhere you haven’t seen before. Call a old friend and drink a cup of coffee.

Processed with VSCO with a6 presetWhen we started to feel a little hungry. We drove to a place that have transformed an old mill to a nice café. They don’t really serve that many different things, but they have lots of amazing cakes and these panini things. They tasted very nice but nothing too special. If you are planing on going there, I will highly recommend you try some sort of cake. Because they looked absolutely incredible, however I didn’t snap a picture of them, sorry.

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I hope you’ve enjoyed this post! Feel free to leave a like and a comment.

Try to go on more adventures and do more spontaneous things. Because life is too short not to!

Karen xx

3 responses to “A Spontaneous Sunday | Live Life!”

  1. Cinnamon buns and snails are best eaten in Denmark. Others are poor imitations!! I wish I could get them here.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Totally agree. Would you like a recipe on them? Because I would totally do one 😉

      Liked by 1 person

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